Ichi.farm UI is Live

Mr. Masanobu Fukuoka
2 min readNov 14, 2020

Farming starts in ~24 Hours

Swap, Pool, and Minter are now available at www.ichi.farm. The Farm tab is visible so that you can become familiar with it but it will not function until after Ethereum Block #11260000. Voting will be added once we have LP tokens that can be used for voting.

You may go ahead and begin minting oneETH and adding liquidity to the oneETH-ETH pool. There is no rush. You have 24 hours before the start of farming.

No ICHI is in circulation until after the start of farming. All 5 million ICHI will be transferred from the deployer wallet into the farming contract (not yet deployed) a few hours before farming is live.

Important Notes:

1. We must create a token list or have enough distribution to be added to one. Until then, you must add oneETH or ICHI to SWAP or Pool by pasting in the contract addresses. You will not see the beautiful coin logos in swap or pool until we are added the lists.

oneETH contract address: 0x6fcBBB527Fb2954BED2B224A5BB7c23C5AeEb6E1

ICHI contract address: 0x903bEF1736CDdf2A537176cf3C64579C3867A881

2. The oneETH prices in Minter and Swap could be a little off market value until arbitragers begin working hard and liquidity is at higher levels. Please pay attention and don’t unintentionally make trades that cause a lot of slippage. Test with small amounts and ask questions when uncertain.

3. There are limited pools available in the ichi.farm swap exchange. Please establish ones that you think will be useful to the community (like USDC-ETH).

4. Docs will be updated with screenshots ahead of the start of farming.

5. Here are the other deployed contracts:

oneFactor: 0x7aa8272FFe20Fe3984d8A233a5Ba2e8c63CFbE60
Timelock: 0x3881f0Db85D2BA0bA419DDAa267f93419305d6BB
GovernorAlpha: 0xb9220b9d31da138EaaaAf0Ea5F686271F504D4c6
oneEth_EthOracle: 0x188C65138b72B2581ACA13225c49eCd5029f0AeD
collateral_EthOracle: 0x25D4Ba0b43Ce3B1805906060F8Bd74868D37388E
UniswapV2Factory: 0x7dda55BB4403Aa2aa810d1eD49EFA614878e353b
UniswapV2Router02: 0x52ef28BBd7983c36bDC4c4D2F842dB2cD219d0a8
IchiStake: 0x70605a6457B0A8fBf1EEE896911895296eAB467E
IchiBuyer: 0x4A62552d0896a16cd1607c6eC03Cbde97ed13fd8@

